Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Bittersweet Homecoming

It's been awhile since I've been on here...lots of catching up at home, I guess. I made it safely home from Greensburg last Thursday night (I was fortunate enough to have everything completed and was able to come home a little early).

Coming home wasn't the best homecoming a person could ask for, I guess. When I arrived at home, my cousin Dustin was there. Usually that means something bad, which was true in this case. His sister, Emily, was born with cistic fibrosis (CF) and has some problems with it. In this case, Emily was admitted to ICU and Dustin had to come stay with us while she is in the hospital.

A few months ago, Emily decided to put her name on the list for a lung transplant. Ever since then, she seems to be getting more worn out and tired. On Tuesday, Emily was released from ICU and put into a regular room. Hopefully she will be able to come home by the end of the weekend (we can only pray).

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wichita, Oh Wichita, Where art thou, Wichita?

Well, I'm back in Greensburg for another fun week. You can check out my blog posts and some of the work I've done at Basically what I'm doing out here in the middle of nowhere is writing stories about how the town has essentially regrown after being levelled by an EF5 tornado. And yes, this is for a class.

I woke up this morning to someone's alarm clock screaming out like a rooster. It first went off at 7:00 a.m. When the girl finally pulled herself off of her air mattress, everyone else was up and about and it was 9:00, time for our meeting. Needless to say a lot of the girls who slept in that room were a little upset. One girl said she counted the alarm going off 13 times. Snoozing is fine, just try not to disturb the rest of us, PLEASE!

For the most part, I have been totally and completely bored. I have cried the last two days, which is highly unusual for me. I just hate being here and have nothing to do and just want to go home! I'm only here for three more days, surely I can make it through that, right?